Bad breath is one of those annoyances that appears at the most inconvenient times. Additionally, many people are noticing their foul breath concerns more because the majority of us are currently wearing masks. What is the first step in treating halitosis, also known as bad breath? knowing the reasons behind the poor breath.
According to Scott Young, DDS, “Halitosis impacts millions of people in their daily lives” (you’re not alone!). “In fact, many claims that having terrible breath has an impact on their confidence in general and social interactions. Halitosis may be impacting you in the same way if you discover yourself consuming mint-flavored gum or popping breath mints on a regular basis.”
Fortunately, there are easy fixes for this bothersome issue that will have you feeling good in no time. You must first determine what is causing your bad breath. Here are 12 typical reasons for bad breath, along with some clever remedies.
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#1 You don’t practice good oral hygiene
As stated by Nevada-based dentist Michaela Tozzi, DMD, “poor oral hygiene causes plaque buildup, and [it] can calcify over time, leading to calculus, or more popularly known as tartar.” This continues the building cycle and increases the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease.
How to correct it Dr. Tozzi advises people to “brush, floss, and scrape their tongues in the morning, ideally after breakfast, coffee, et cetera.” To determine how much time is actually spent cleaning your mouth and tongue when brushing your teeth, time yourself. Then, think about using an electric toothbrush. These brushes frequently include timers so you can make sure you’re brushing for at least two minutes and *all* of the surfaces of the teeth.
#2. Your saliva flow is poor
According to Dr. Tozzi, saliva serves as the mouth’s immune system by assisting in the control of bacterial growth. So, she says, if you have little saliva, bacteria can grow and cause foul breath (as well as other problems like decay, gingivitis, and periodontal disease).
According to Dr. Tozzi, prescription drugs, over-the-counter allergy medications, and chemotherapy and radiation treatments are frequently to blame for inadequate salivation.
Dr. Tozzi suggests drinking lots of water, using a dry mouth gel periodically, and using a prescription toothpaste with extra calcium or fluoride. To encourage salivation, you can also consume dry mouth pills (XyliMelts) and chew sugar-free gum containing xylitol. In more severe situations, you might wish to inquire with your dentist about pilocarpine, a prescription drug that also promotes saliva flow.
#3. The food you eat is acidic
According to Dr. Tozzi, an acidic diet can lead to acid reflux, which is a major contributor to foul breath. Acid reflux symptoms include heartburn, burping, nausea, and a bitter taste in your mouth.
The best way to get rid of it, according to Dr. Tozzi, is to discuss prescription antacid medication with your doctor in order to reduce acid reflux into the mouth if you suffer from acid reflux and also detect a foul breath. Additionally, you might want to keep a food journal to track the acidic foods that may be aggravating or causing your reflux and adjust your diet accordingly with the aid of a professional.
#4. You don’t consistently seek out dental treatment from a professional
You should visit the dentist frequently to maintain the health of your mouth, as you well know. Additionally, doing so prevents foul breath.
Get a professional cleaning every three to six months to help keep your gums and teeth healthy and free of rot and periodontal disease symptoms. Noted.
#5. You eat spicy meals
After a meal with a lot of garlic, can’t you take the smell? What sense! It goes without saying that eating pungent, odorous foods causes foul breath. Some foods, including onions, garlic, coffee, and spices, have an odor by nature, according to Cleveland Clinic dentist Karyn Kahn, DDS.
How to remove it: Brushing your teeth after meals will help remove food particles that could cause problems (and bad breath) in the hours to come. According to Dr. Kahn, “food entrapment can perpetuate the unpleasant breath from certain foods.” “These naturally occurring scents after eating may be reduced by brushing, flossing, and brushing your tongue.”
#6. Your diet contains a lot of sugar
When you overindulge in sweet foods and desserts, you’re allowing the bacteria in your mouth to flourish. According to Dr. Tozzi, bacteria eat sugar, such as that found in soda and sweets. And poor breath might result from an excess of bacterial proliferation.
How to get rid of it: If possible, avoid sweets and drinks. Or, if you’re having trouble quitting either habit, Dr. Tozzi advises, “Switch to sugar-free confectionery and diet Coke.” She continues, “To minimize the concentration of sugar in the mouth and on the teeth or brush afterward,” it is also advisable to swish with water after eating sugar.
#7. You follow a ketogenic diet
Keto breath, which is brought on by an elevated level of acetones in the body, can be a problem for those who follow the ketogenic diet, according to Young.
Drink a lot of water, and try sugar-free gum or xylitol-infused mints to get rid of it.
#8. You either have an infection or cavities
According to Sophya Morghem, DMD, dental infections, and cavities are typically brought on by an overgrowth of germs in your mouth. Additionally, according to Morghem, “That bacteria secretes byproducts—a common culprit being sulfur—that induce malodor.” Eek.
How to get rid of it: “At least twice a year, schedule frequent checks with your dentist,” advises Morghem. Additionally, cavities do not naturally disappear.
#9. Your mouth is dry
Keep your mouth wet with saliva to prevent bad breath, advises Young. “Xerostomia, or dry mouth, causes a decrease in saliva production. Saliva is essential for cleaning out the bacteria in your mouth.
How to get rid of it: According to Young, preventing dry mouth requires drinking a lot of water and being hydrated. He continues, “Xylitol-containing over-the-counter drugs can aid with episodes of dry mouth.” Your dentist or other medical professional may recommend an oral medicine to help promote the flow of your saliva if you have a persistently dry mouth.
#10. You aren’t flossing
You are allowing bacteria to proliferate if you don’t remove the plaque from between your teeth and in the gum pocket, claims Morghem. “There will be a scent in the morning, just like the filthy dishes you forgot to clean before going to bed.” “The bacteria that are generating sulfur are the ones that are expanding.”
What to do: According to Dr. Morghem, “Flossing before bed is a crucial element of your bedtime regimen.” Do not omit it!
#11. You have a health problem that is underlying
Chronic tonsillitis, sinus, and nasal infections, as well as other conditions including stomach reflux, explain Kahn, can cause bad breath. The sources of germs that might cause bad breath include post-nasal drip, chronic sinusitis, and small tonsil stones.
How to get rid of it: Consult your doctor to rule out any underlying conditions if none of the preceding solutions seem to help you get rid of foul breath.
Solutions That Last For Bad Breath
The following steps can assist you in controlling your foul breath if you battle with it.
- Make use of an electric toothbrush
It goes without saying that you should clean your teeth, but if you want to take it a step further, consider an electric toothbrush like the Sonicare from Philips. Electric toothbrushes vibrate against your teeth and gums, dislodging any food particles or bacteria that a conventional toothbrush could miss. (Spoiler alert: Burst also comes in rose gold and is a lovely, useful alternative.)
- Reduce your sugar intake
According to Tozzi, bacteria feed on foods high in sugar.
- Pick up a tongue scraper
Consider the tongue to be a carpet. It needs to be cleaned frequently to prevent bad breath because it includes crevices where debris and bacteria can collect
- Use an oral rinse or mouthwash
“Although mouthwash is useful, it cannot take the place of regular brushing, flossing, and tongue cleaning. It adds a lovely finishing touch “Dr. Tozzi comments. Avoid using alcohol-based mouthwashes because they can dry out your mouth and irritate your tissues. According to Young, CloSYS and Rinse by Klen are viable choices.
- Drink a lot of water
According to Dr. Tozzi, this helps to balance the pH of your saliva, maintaining a healthy oral ecology and limiting the growth of bacteria.
- Floss every day. This is vital
Traditional flossing is excellent, but a water flosser, like the Zerhunt Cordless Water Flosser, is a terrific item to keep in the shower since it uses pressurized water to thoroughly clean in between your teeth’s small crevices.
There are numerous causes of bad breath, and the majority of them can be resolved with simple lifestyle changes. But if you can’t figure out the cause of your halitosis, always consult your dentist or doctor.