HomeHealthCareIf your vagina smells fishy, then this is the reason why. Here's...

If your vagina smells fishy, then this is the reason why. Here’s how to fix it.


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Have you ever wondered why there is a fishy smell coming from the vagina? It is more common than you know, and there is a lot to learn about why it happens and how to deal with it.

Let us take a look at this topic to educate and enlighten you, guaranteeing you the knowledge you need to stay fresh and healthy.

Why vagina smells fishy

vagina smells fishy

First of all, it is important to know that the vagina has a quiet smell that changes over the menstrual cycle.

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On the other hand, a strong fishy smell, particularly if it is accompanied by an odd discharge, may indicate something more serious.

Bacterial vaginosis (BV), a disorder where bad bacteria overtake beneficial ones and upset the natural balance, is frequently linked to this legendary scent. Even though it is not a STI, you should take care of it as soon as possible.

Warning signs

Vaginal flora can be disrupted by several things, which can result in BV. These include pH imbalances brought on by douching, meeting new partners sexually, or even just getting your period.

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There is a fragile ecosystem down there that can be tipped by everything from hormonal fluctuations to the soap you use.

Simple ways to deal with

Do not panic; there are simple ways to deal with and avoid this suspicious guest. These are a handful:

Retain vagina PH: Ignore the scented products and douches. They cause more harm than benefit. Only use water or mild, fragrance-free soap for cleaning the outside of your body.

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Put on breathable undies: The king is cotton. By letting your skin breathe, it lessens dampness, which might promote the growth of microorganisms.

Safe sexual behaviour: Especially when you are dating someone new or have several partners, using condoms can help you keep the PH of your vaginal flora.

Consult a physician: A medical professional can prescribe antibiotics to treat BV if you suspect it. Seek a professional diagnosis rather than making your own.

To sum up, a fishy smell in your lower abdomen is usually an indication that something is off with your health, particularly in terms of bacterial vaginosis. It is a sign to take better care of your health, not something to be ashamed of.

You can preserve the health of your vagina and wave goodbye to unpleasant odors by being aware of the causes and adopting easy preventive actions. Always seek the advice of a healthcare provider when in doubt. Your physique, well-being, and self-determination!

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